Visualising the delightful perspectives
on large-scale challenges
Seungho Lee
Visual identity, Illustration
Seungho Lee
Seungho Lee is a designer and researcher, currently studying briefing in design as a doctoral researcher and aiming to be an expert who facilitates design for government. The idea is that the designs are aimed to legibly deliver how Seungho sees himself as a designer and researcher seeking to solve today's large scale challenges. With the simple line drawings and delightful colours, the illustrations convey the self-portrayed image of Seungho in playful tone and mood.
As a pivotal element, the funnel-shaped symbol has been used throughout the identity, giving it a feeling of flexibility and dynamism that can be explored in different ways – to talk, to listen, and to investigate both microscopically and macroscopically.
Designer: Through this telescope, Seungho is projecting untried solutions to the problems framing the problems in novel ways.
Researcher: Through this microscope, Seungho is unpacking the unseen complexity of a problem as a researcher.
Work: This simple illustration exemplifies the way he works.
Blog: These miscellaneous props represents the diverse stories and thoughts he would speak out through his blog.
About: With these varied props, this illustration conveys Seungho’s personal interest and daily ritual as a father, an urban bicyclist, and so on.
Contact: Through this funnel, Seungho is listening to other experts about new project ideas.